Lambrecht Surfboards

Lambrecht Surfboards handcrafts custom boards in Pemberton from reclaimed wood. Wood is sourced from all different places, buildings, and objects. The wood has character and experience that shows in the designs and layups of the boards.

Our main focus is custom boards built exactly how our customers want them. Designing boards for certain applications, choosing from different stocks of wood and fine tuning exact dimensions are part of the process. Although these boards look incredible just hanging on a wall, their main purpose is to surf waves, and surf them well. From nose riding to barrel riding to ankle biters, these wooden boards can perform.

Lambrecht also offers workshops where participants choose a style and size of board and build it over the course of several days. These workshops include all the materials and tools, and the builder is guided step by step through the whole process. A familiarity with basic hand tools is all that is required.

  • 604.698.8248



Pemberton Bike Co.


Big Sky Pro Shop